Saturday, May 17

i missss my heavy straight fringeeeee!!~~ okaii,, so please excuse my uber-powerful narcissistic streak..:)

hrmmss...well, other than that, I'm picking up my French again..goshh...thanfully, i remember my bits and pieces, although the main difficulty was in trying to use them in sentences..hahahh..

I finally watched 27 dresses today, and it was a good chick flick, better than I'd like to admit it to be;p it also helped that James Marsden is so ridiculously cutee with his deep dimpless...::<3 melts::

and unbelievably, it is apparently nearing the end of the semester with less than three weeks to go before exams period lost i am with the goings-on of normal uni the silly, almost-blisfully-free student whose pining for the life of the working class...eheheh..thats the funny thing about humans, isnt it? we are never really satisfied with what we have, and always yearn for more..

well, i guess you were right all along.
i really was immature, and my words definitely proved your point. i see it from a different perspective and realised that not long after it all happened, but is much more vivid now than ever.
i know now, that it was terribly insensitive of me to say such things, and i have learnt from it, so, all i can say now is . . .

thanxx, for this lesson learnt:)

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