Friday, October 31

of gorgeous-ness, you don't really need to convince me...Italian men encompasses some of the most gorgeous male specimen in the world~ *mmmmhhh*

anyways, i had a good time at the Japanese nite, despite me being so irrationally shy towards him. gosh, what is it with me and not giving people chances? or should i say, not giving myself a chance? =.=" this borders from me being too much of a perfectionalist (*wonders* is there even such a word?)
well, i really dont know...
why? on one hand i can say; im open to happiness, yet i deny myself the chance subconsciously...?
why? is it that i realise my mistake...yet, when it comes to crunch time, i still get completely nervous and mess up instead?

seriously, i am better than this. i know better than to make the same mistakes. again.
yes, the solution is...practise
and so,
practice makes perfect
anyways, its latee...
buona notte~

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