Sunday, May 23

C'est vrai, i have a problem...a huge one, at that

I have to have to have to have to have to curb my shopping addiction.
there are clothes, beauty and cosmetics, more clothes, shoes (not so much of recently) :(

there goes my self control out the window...~ not to worry, i am not currently in debt or anything as serious as that, but i definitely should try to tone it down.
other than that, it has been freeeeeeeeeezzing in Melbourne. or it could be just me? i am also eating up a storm=.="

this entry is starting to sound like a confessional, so i will move on to something light, a Tag:) whee!!

Got this Tag from StyleSuzi, a fantastic Youtube guru + blogger from the UK~~
will be doing 50 Random things, instead of the 100, as Suzi did...,

1) I'm a closeted makeup and fashion worshipper. or maybe, it has become more obvious of late??
2) Currently, has "Meet Me Halfway" by the Black Eyed Peas and "Untill We Bleed" by Kleerup (with Lykke Li) on heavy rotation.
3) Kind of missing my longer hair
4) I work at a bank.
5) Have been having a whole lot of dreams, good & bad, recently.
6) I wish I could draw.
7) Believes in ghosts.
8) Is crazy about ice-cream. Especially Baskin Robbins' Jamoca Almond fudge.
9) Haagen Dazs is worth worshipping;)
10) Wishes she blogs better.
11) Loves swings, of all the things in playgrounds.
12) Can't really imagine life without my BB glasses.
13) Prefers eating apples with their skins on.
14) I think I look more like my mum.
15) Is very grateful for all that life has brought her so far.
16) Has a lot of trouble with decision-making. Like A LOT.
17) It's Sunday, today. Work tomorrow...!
18) Sophia Bush is gorgeous.
19) watching a muted, previously watched episode of One Tree Hill.
20) Only likes the first sip of beer, and can't enjoy the rest.
21) Just noticed her phone is MIA.

one of my favourite web haunts include leblogdebetty

here's a sneak preview, for the curious and fashion-hungry at heart...