a distinctively sodden and unbelievably chilly side to Melbourne just makes me wish i belonged to a different species of mammal, which actually goes into hibernation during the cold months of winter! hahahh...well, the truth is, im not exaclty denied the privilege of hibernating under my sheets on this fine first day of May . . . since i have nooo class today, and still u.n.e.m.p.l.o.y.e.d =[
oohhss..crapp..i'm quite embarassed to say that i was sucked into the immensely cliched and not-exactly-classy production of Malaysia's first online reality model search - Malaysian DreamGirls ! ohmygosh..and i cant believe it, Hanis didnt win!! awww....well, i thought she was the most worthy of winning the title amongst the final three, although i thought that Adeline did really well during a few of the challenges, which made me think she was more suited for acting in commercials and acting in general and not so good at modelling per se. as for Cindy, i prefer not to comment, since i cant quite figure her out from just watching the small happenings and goings-on in the house... but if there was one lil' thing i did notice was her innate way of being dishonest about certain obvious facts. take example one, the time when TV host, JP (who is cute, can!) came to the Dreamhouse, and she was ranting on about how JP had such a profound personality, and how he left such an impression, that three girls dreamt of him the nite after he visited them...
oh pleeeeaaasee..how can one begin to even fathom another's 'personality' from meeting them during the few hours they managed to spend together (in a huuge group, i might add)?? ohmygosh...at least be honest la...if he's hot, then he's just hot! if you think he's good looking and, u like him because of his outlook, then at least be honest and say so la...its so much worse to seem like such an obviouss liar than to be judged for having a crush on someone based on the way they look...erghss..*ends rant*
ahahah..sorry, *buey tahan* already because it was too obvious...! ^^
anyways, im sure Hanis will go onto gr8r thingss and succeed, and gosh..i wonder whats happening with Fiqa, my personal favourite of the girls..shes just soooo sweeeeeet i thinkk:)
hrmms..well, since i havent been posting many pictures lately . . . ill just let them do the work for me this time . . .
yummy hot pot during EarthHour - thanxx Denise!!
the Queen of hot pot ~ Denise Lee
who also is a poutaholic. . .
Jovi + Jamie a.k.a. Cute Couple #1
Hui San, birthday girl @ Vons, Hardware Lane ~ 01/04
dearee with the impromptu birthday cake~~
the birthday boy ~~ Soon Shin 25/04
myself + Bryan
the funny shark-fin shaped building from docklands
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