Thursday, January 24

i just took a quick personality test on the Chandler Macleod website, which i just thought was really true that i think it coincides with my non-work life as well~ lolzz..

anyways, just thought i would share it since it was pretty accurate for me~

You display the following dominant style(s):




'NMD' style
The emotional responsiveness and variability of the MD will now be under some control from the N factor. Under stress, there will still be demonstrated cyclical behaviour - optimism followed by pessimism, cheerfulness followed by despondency, energy followed by lethargy - but the person will disguise (to some extent) how they feel and the mood swings will be far less apparent. There will be more constructive use of the energy and enthusiasm and there will be some tendency for the pessimistic ideas not to weigh them down quite so much. The effect is to smooth out the emotional display.
NMD style people will seek company, will be friendly and open communicators and welcome the opportunity to interact successfully with other people. They will seek the controlled expression of their emotions and they will generally be more even-tempered, making them more effective in the people area. They feel pressure at the work place when they are isolated from the group, for the group serves not only to satisfy social needs, but also gives them a feeling of security and belonging. They do not by nature want to take the leading role so, if forced by circumstances into authority situations or into decision-making, some anxiety will occur. They will try to get general agreement, decision making by consensus, rather than stipulating what must happen. They would especially be anxious and uncertain if they were forced into decision-making that adversely affected a member of their group and, similarly, they do not want to have to criticise fellow members.
Their work style is very much that of the willing contributor who wants to know exactly what they are supposed to be doing and who expects to be trained fully for their job. They willingly accept a strong person's legitimate authority but they expect to be managed in a friendly, encouraging style and, when that happens, they will be a willing contributor who abides by the group's norms.
They are not keen on being pinned down to repetitive, routine style activity and essentially, there needs to be a communication aspect to their role, rather than work in isolation. Their interpersonal style is that of the group participant. They love the opportunity to talk with others, to share what they have, and they will be generous with their possessions and equally generous in sharing their feelings or their ideas. There is a controlling factor (via the N) that prevents too much exaggerated emotional display, but their responsiveness is very much present and will be an integral part of their behaviour. There is not a lot of social sensitivity present however, so they may inadvertently tread on the toes of the more sensitive, but there is no intention on their part to hurt other people's feelings.
They work with people because they like them, not because they hold formal authority and they will go out of their way to sustain the group norms or the group ethic. Errors they make are unintentional and mainly brought about through lack of focus.

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