Sunday, December 16


life isn't fair most of the time . . .

i'm certainly not an unfortunate person, nor am i deprived of any necessities...just that i am not the type of person who is easily satisfied ::grins::

sometimes, i get weary from not being able to get what i want most of the time, and because of that, i wished i was one of those people who are just happie from the simplest things in life. . . the 'simple'/ uncomplicated type.
but i cant change, and though hard as it might be, i really appreciate having my friends around to listen to my whining on about the unfairness of not being able to get what i really, reallyy wanted in the first place.. ><"

its ridiculouss really, because i know i'm old enough to understand, old enough to stop feeling petty about all this but its just so frustrating sometimes. as it seems, like whatever i do...its just not good enough for my parents. arghs.

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