on an eventless, morose Sunday such as today, I shall make another attempt to keep yet, another blog~ this one previously went on an uber-long hiatus, and is replaced with this one...
anyhow, i shall begin this entry on a very sad note; the marker of the end of both Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek NYC Spring 2008, and also Motorola Melbourne Spring Fashion Week....
and here are some of the looks i liked (from NYC);

loving this androgynous ensemble from alexander wang spring '08 collection
anyways, another weekend has flown by...and i feel a certain emptiness starting to overwhelm me. perhaps, it is loneliness...as i realise, i have been pushing those closest to me further away..and i can't pinpoint the exact reason why i do it. hrmms...
all this pondering is not doing any good...especially when i should be making the most of my time here, as i still haven't made the decision to stay or leave after graduation yet...its getting late~ will post more later..~
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